24-26 September 2015. Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona

The ICREA international workshop ‘Hearing the City’ brings together scholars from all over Europe, the United States and Australia to present recent research into different aspects of urban culture in the Early Modern period. The focus will be on discussion of the urban soundworld in the context of an interdiscplinary approach, to identify which areas and themes have been and remain to be explored, and in what ways we, as scholars, can communicate our findings within and across disciplines as well as to a wider public, using technology not only for datacollecting and analysis, but also, for example, for interactive programmes that aid knowledge and appreciation of our musical heritage.

Keynotes: Tim Carter, Dinko Fabris, Tess Knighton, Bruce R. Smith, Reinhard Strohm

Participants: Niall Atkinson, Jaume Ayats, Jordi Ballester, David Burn, Juan José Carreras, Camilla Cavicchi, Marie-Alexis Colin, Sonia Espí, Manuel Pedro Ferreira, Alexander Fisher, María Gembero, Anne-Madeleine Goulet, Ilaria Grippaudo, Helen Hills, David Irving, Irene Klein, Joachim Kremer, Matthew Laube, Ignacio José Lizarán Rus, Birgit Lodes, Teresa Macià, Javier Marín, Miguel-Ángel Marín, Sílvia Martínez, Agustín Martorell, Ascensión Mazuela, Jan-Friedrich Missfelder, Jennifer Richards, Esperanza Rodríguez, Emilio Ros-Fábregas, Juan Ruiz Jiménez, Anna Tedesco, Mélanie Traversier, Margarida Ullate, Philippe Vendrix, RichardWistreich

Mary Curie Foundation Research Project ‘Urban Musics and Musical Practices in Sixteenth-century Europe’ (CIG-2012: URBANMUSICS No.321876), dir. Prof. Tess Knighton

Organitza:  ICREA, SCMUS

PDF PROGRAM PROGRAM ICREA International Workshop 2015


ICREA link https://urbanmusics.wordpress.com/2015/01/12/icrea-international-workshop/

Facebook SCMUS  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1680926145455291/